Monday, October 28, 2013

Light Up My Journey

Mapping Lights from evelyn on Vimeo.

By this video experimentation I wanted to show my journey in Greenwich but in a way that indicates the theme of darkness. I used a black cardboard and I cut out some parts of my root and I placed underneath a torch moving it along the holes, this gives it the sense of movement.

Layers of History

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Wandering Ghost of Greenwich

The Wandering Ghost of Greenwich from evelyn on Vimeo.

As I was researching I found out that there is a ghost wandering around in the Queens House. When I first visited the area at night time, what caught my attention was how empty it was. I didn't see a single person, I suddenly started having a strange feeling of fear, not that something bad would happen to me but that I would see a ghost, a spirit. It is hard to explain thats why I tried to capture the atmosphere through the lense of my camera.


The Tulip Staircase - Queens House

"On Sunday 19th June 1966, the Rev R W Hardy and his wife visited the Queens House whilst on holiday from Canada. Around 5.00pm Rev Hardy was taking photographs of the interior of the building and after they were developed he discovered a strange hooded figure on his photograph of the Tulip Staircase. At the time the photograph was taken (between 5.15pm and 5.30pm) his wife was standing with him and confirmed there was nothing on the stair. The staircase itself was closed with a rope and 'No Admittance' sign. The Tulip staircase is thought to be the first unsupported spiral stair in Britain and dates back the earliest period of the house. The stairs are supported by a combination of support by cantilever from the walls and each stair resting on the one below.
The photograph negatives have been examined by experts at Kodak and they found no evidence of tampering or manipulation. Rev Hardy had taken the picture on a Zeiss Ikon Contina camera with a Zavar Anastigmat lens and skylight haze filter. He was using K2 daylight film. The camera was handheld, resting on a ledge and the exposure was estimated to be just over a second.
Strange shadowy figures and unexplainable footsteps have been experienced in the vicinity of the Tulip Staircase by both staff and visitors. It is also suggested that a pale woman has been seen wiping blood from the bottom of the staircase which was supposedly from a maid who came over the highest banister and died at the foot of the stairs 300 years ago. It has also been said that the disembodied chanting of children can be heard within the Queens House."

All I See Is Shadows

Walking & Mapping

Mapping from evelyn on Vimeo.

Sleepy Hollow

My Own Version 

Sleepy Hollow Screen Shots 

Task 2. 
We were asked to find and produce an outcome to a film that show our personal relationship to the moon. I chose sleepy hollow because of the gloomy atmosphere it has from the beginning till the very end of it. Tim Burton opted for an almost monochromatic effect which would enhance the fantasy aspect. He intentionally planned the over-dependency of smoke and soft lighting to accompany the film's sole wide-angle lens strategy.